Mentally Preparing Yourself for Breast Augmentation

The conversation around preparing for breast augmentation (or any plastic surgery) often revolves around the physical preparation. General advice usually includes eating a healthy diet, not smoking and getting plenty of sleep in the weeks leading up to the operation. But preparing your mind for the surgical journey is just as important!
Read on as Dr. Joshua Greenwald shares tips to help you mentally prepare for breast augmentation.
Anticipate Taking Some Time To Adjust
Setting the right expectations for surgery is necessary, and appropriate expectations around recovery are particularly crucial. Anticipate that your body will need time to heal and adjust after your operation. Don’t expect to wake up the day after surgery feeling your best. In fact, it can take up to a few weeks to feel like yourself again after breast augmentation. When you set those mental expectations appropriately, you are less likely to be surprised or disappointed during your journey.
Focus on Your Goals
Breast augmentation can bring up a mix of emotions. In the days leading up to your surgery, you may find yourself feeling nervous or anxious about the surgery and recovery. Try to remember why you decided to undergo breast augmentation and focus on what you hope to achieve from surgery. Think about how beautiful you will look with bigger, shapelier breasts and how your confidence will skyrocket.
Build a Support System
You don’t have to go through this alone! Consider opening up to close loved ones about your surgical plans and seeking their support. It can be enormously helpful knowing you have a support system comprised of people who have your back during your experience. Online patient communities through websites like are also a useful way to find support.
Stay Positive
It’s hard to accept, but other people will have a lot of opinions about your new look after surgery. Not all of those opinions will necessarily be positive. Some people can’t help but be critical.
Remember that you are not getting breast implants to satisfy anyone else — you are making a personal choice to improve your appearance and self-confidence. Get into a positive mindset and focus on the good, so you are mentally ready for other people’s comments.
If you have trouble staying positive, try techniques like guided meditations for gratitude, yoga practices or visualization exercises.
Get the Information and Resources You Need
Finally, lean on Dr. Greenwald’s expertise as you prepare for breast augmentation. He wants to be a resource for you when you have questions and concerns. He can provide the factual information you need to feel prepared and empowered about your surgery.
To get in touch with Dr. Greenwald, please call or email us today.