
3 Things That Are Off-Limits After a Tummy Tuck

One of plastic surgery’s top five procedures, tummy tuck has several variants. An extended tummy tuck involves most of the abdomen, along with the lower back and possibly the lower chest, while a “mini-tuck” focuses on just the bottom of the abdomen.

No matter the type of tummy tuck you undergo, there are certain activities you must not perform until getting clearance from the surgeon. That is true of any abdominal surgery.  How long these actions remain off-limits depend on the type of tummy tuck and the patient’s overall condition. Following the doctor’s orders is critical to a smooth recovery. (more…)

Who Is a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Colloquially referred to as a nose job, rhinoplasty not only improves the aesthetic appearance of the face, but also boosts confidence. In many cases, it serves as corrective surgery for a nasal deformity. However, good candidates for rhinoplasty must have realistic expectations. After healing is complete, the person should look better, but should not treat the procedure as a magic wand that improves every aspect of life. In this blog post Dr. Joshua Greenwald discusses other factors pertaining to rhinoplasty candidate suitability. (more…)

Answering Top Questions about Injectables

Injectables are a popular way to address a number of facial cosmetic concerns. Whether you want to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet or add volume to your lips, injectables may be an excellent non-invasive option. In this post, Dr. Joshua Greenwald of Greenwald Plastic Surgery answers some of the top questions about injectables. (more…)

Are Uneven Breasts Common?

Uneven or asymmetrical breasts are a common cosmetic concern for women. While some amount of asymmetry is very common, some women feel that the difference in size or shape between their breasts is too significant. In this post, Dr. Joshua Greenwald of Greenwald Plastic Surgery discusses the possible causes of uneven breasts and potential treatment options. (more…)

Cosmetic vs. Functional Rhinoplasty

The term rhinoplasty can be used to describe numerous procedures for the nose. Oftentimes we think of rhinoplasty as an elective cosmetic procedure; however, some people undergo rhinoplasty for medical reasons, too.

Take a moment to learn more about the differences between cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty from Dr. Joshua Greenwald. (more…)

What No One Tells You about Liposuction

If you are interested in slimming down an area of your body with liposuction, you are probably doing a lot of research on the procedure and what it entails. Unfortunately, there are certain realities about liposuction that people often hesitate to discuss.

Dr. Joshua Greenwald is here to help you out, because he believes that patient education is very important to help you make informed choices about surgery. In this post, he reveals certain truths about liposuction that other people may be afraid to tell you. (more…)

Nonsurgical Cosmetic Treatments for Men

Women aren’t the only ones turning to nonsurgical cosmetic treatments to look younger, slimmer and more attractive. The demand for nonsurgical procedures continues to surge among men, as the treatment options get safer and more effective.

Read on as Dr. Joshua Greenwald reveals some of the top nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for men. (more…)