
If I Remove My Breast Implants, Will I Need a Breast Lift?

At the time of your breast augmentation surgery, you probably are not thinking about whether you will need to remove your implants someday. But many women do decide later in life that they want to remove their implants without replacing them, due to personal preferences or medical necessity.

It could be that they no longer like the look of large breasts, or that their lifestyle has changed after having kids or going through menopause. A small number of women experience complications like an implant rupture or leak, and elect to have the implants removed without replacing them.

In those types of scenarios, most women are curious whether a breast lift is needed after implant removal. Board-certified plastic surgeon Joshua Greenwald addresses the answer here. (more…)

Best Treatments for Nasolabial Folds

Nasolabial folds are lines found on both sides of the mouth that become more noticeable when a person laughs or smiles.

They are normal, and everyone has them. However, they can become more pronounced with age as the skin becomes thinner and starts to sag.

Fortunately, if you’re unhappy with the way your nasolabial folds look, there are a number of treatment options available.

Below, Dr. Joshua Greenwald shares what you can do to treat your nasolabial folds and create a more youthful appearance. (more…)

Rejuvenate the Lower Face & Neck with Laser Facelift

A laser facelift is perfect for anyone looking to rejuvenate their lower face and neck. Traditional facelift cosmetic surgery is invasive and requires a lengthy recovery period. With Dr. Greenwald’s precision laser facelift, you can enjoy a smoother, tighter face and neck at a fraction of the recovery time.

Dr. Joshua Greenwald is a board-certified plastic surgeon that has performed thousands of cosmetic facial procedures. Read on to learn more about laser facelifts and why this procedure may be perfect for you. (more…)

Will Breast Implants Shift If You Flex Your Chest?

Breast implants are a safe, effective way to enhance the shape of a woman’s breast profile. In most breast augmentation surgeries, the implant is placed beneath the muscles of the chest. Activating the chest muscles may cause the implants to shift. This is called “breast animation deformity,” but don’t worry — it’s completely harmless.

Breast animation deformity occurs most often in athletic women with very low body fat. Implants that shift during muscle activation will return to their original location once the muscles relax.

Dr. Joshua Greenwald, MD, is one of New York’s leading plastic surgeons. With decades of experience in breast augmentation and breast augmentation revision surgeries, Dr. Greenwald looks forward to helping you achieve the breast profile you desire. Read on to learn more about how breast implants may shift during muscle activation. (more…)

Getting Rid of an Abdominal Pooch after Having Kids

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is a great way to get rid of a postpartum bulging belly, or “abdominal pooch.” Every woman who has had at least one child has rectus diastasis, or a separation of the six abdominal muscles that comprise the abdomen. Fixing rectus diastasis can only be achieved through surgical means.

A member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Dr. Joshua Greenwald is a leading board-certified plastic surgeon. Read on as Dr. Greenwald explains how a tummy tuck may be perfect for getting rid of an abdominal pooch. (more…)

Why We Get Crow’s Feet (and What to Do If They Bother You)

Crow’s feet are fine lines or wrinkles that can develop around the outer edges of the eyes. Although they are small, they can give the eyes a noticeably tired or prematurely aged appearance.

Like some of Dr. Joshua Greenwald’s facial rejuvenation patients, you may be wondering  what causes crow’s feet — and what can be done to minimize their appearance. Below, the NYC plastic surgeon discusses the causes and treatments for crow’s feet. (more…)

Top Reasons for Breast Revision Surgery

Sometimes, no matter how skilled or experienced a breast augmentation surgeon is, or how well the procedure is performed, changes occur after surgery that cause a patient to be dissatisfied with her results.

In these types of cases, breast revision surgery is an option. Breast revision is performed to help patients achieve the results they originally desired, to correct a complication or to improve the appearance of the breasts so they align with the patient’s current goals.

In Dr. Joshua Greenwald’s experience, women tend to seek breast revision for the following reasons: (more…)

Breaking Down the ASPS 2018 Plastic Surgery Statistics

More people than ever are turning to plastic surgery to look and feel great about themselves, according to new data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The nation’s largest organization of board-certified plastic surgeons says more than 17.7 million surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures were performed in 2018, which was nearly a quarter million more cosmetic procedures than what was performed in 2017. (more…)

Do You Need a Mammogram before Breast Surgery?

If you are planning to undergo an elective breast surgery such as breast augmentation, breast reduction or breast lift, expect to make some pre-surgery preparations as instructed by your surgeon. For example, you must stop smoking, avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs and generally keep yourself in optimal physical shape. You may also be asked to get a blood test.

Depending on your age and your personal and family medical history, you may or may not be asked to get a mammogram before breast surgery. Although every plastic surgeon has his or her own opinion, many agree that mammograms should only be ordered in specific circumstances.

Read on as Dr. Joshua Greenwald of New York shares what the American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends about mammograms before breast surgery. (more…)

Injectables and Minimizing the Signs of Aging

When it comes to facial rejuvenation, not all injectables are created equal. Each cosmetic injectable product is designed and FDA approved for a specific cause or causes. Although experienced injectors may use products for “off-label” or non-approved uses, there are a few hard-and-fast rules – i.e., an injector will never use Botox to plump up a smile, or Kybella to fill in laugh lines.

When evaluating the injectable that is right for your needs and goals, it helps to have the expertise of a talented plastic surgeon or injector. Here, Dr. Joshua Greenwald of Greenwald Plastic Surgery shares some general guidelines that may help you as you weigh your options. (more…)