Can I Have Botox and Fillers in the Same Office Visit?

Botox and dermal fillers: You often hear the two in the same breath, but they’re quite different. At Greenwald Plastic Surgery, our renowned board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Joshua Greenwald, understands that many patients want to rejuvenate their appearance and look younger without surgery. To meet those needs, we offer Botox and fillers in our NYC, […]

Do You Sweat Too Much? Here Are Some Easy Solutions

Everybody sweats in the extreme heat or while working out, but have you noticed that you sweat more than your friends? You may have hyperhidrosis, a condition that affects as much as 5% of the world’s population. This condition is caused by overactive sweat glands, which can make you look and feel excessively sweaty. If […]

What Can You Do About Forehead Wrinkles?

As we age, our body produces less collagen, a protein that keeps skin taut and smooth. As collagen levels drop, wrinkles appear. Forehead wrinkles do more than make us look old. These lines can make us appear tired or angry. Dr. Joshua Greenwald explains what you can do to lessen the appearance of forehead wrinkles.

Cosmetic Procedures That Are Most Popular Among Men

The statistics are clear: as the years progress, more and more men are seeking cosmetic procedures in the United States. Dr. Joshua Greenwald has witnessed this trend for himself at his Manhattan, Harrison and Carmel, New York offices. Among the procedures most requested by this influx of male patients are:

What Areas of the Face Can Be Treated With Botox?

Have months of looking at an unforgiving reflection on Zoom or FaceTime calls prompted you to consider cosmetic treatment? You do not necessarily have to undergo invasive surgery to reclaim a youthful, fresh appearance. A few well-placed Botox injections can help you become a more attractive version of yourself. Read on as Dr. Joshua Greenwald […]

How Aging Affects the Neck

If you are concerned about the effects of aging on your appearance, you probably spend a lot of time and effort caring for the space between your chin and forehead. But ask yourself: are you giving your neck the same attention? Many people overlook the neck, neglecting to give it the TLC it needs — […]

Are Botox and Fillers Safe During Pregnancy?

Botox and fillers are some of the most frequently requested cosmetic treatments at the practice of Dr. Joshua Greenwald. Because these injectables are commonly used on women of childbearing age, Dr. Greenwald is often asked about the safety of these products during pregnancy. If you regularly receive Botox and have discovered you are pregnant, it […]

Why are Millennials Getting Botox?

Millennials have joined the Baby Boomers and members of Generation X in actively trying to prevent the signs of aging. Older generations have been using Botox and other non-invasive cosmetic treatments for years to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and now an increasing number of millennials are seeking these treatments as well.

Why Is “Brotox” So Popular?

Reports from national plastic surgery organizations claim that more men than ever are opting to minimize facial lines and wrinkles with Botox. This trend, which certain plastic surgeons are referring to as “Brotox,” is something that Dr. Joshua Greenwald has noticed at his own New York City plastic surgery practice. Here, he explains his thoughts […]